Last updated on 16 July 2024.
This is an overview of the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) available on Nimble Links. In this document, we cover:
Base URL
The base URL to send all API requests is:
To get started, head over to your team settings and generate an API key. A key will look something like this:
Every request you send to our API should include your API key as a bearer token:
Authorization: Bearer 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l3m4n5
Rate Limits
To ensure a consistent developer experience for all API users, the Nimble Links API is rate limited. Rate limits are applied on a per-team basis in unit time. If you exceed the rate limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests
These are the current limits that apply to all teams by default:
- 30 requests per minute
- 300 requests per hour
We may change these limits in the future to balance for demand and reliability.
For higher limits, please reach out to support@nimblelinks.com.
Link Management API
This API allows you to list, create, and delete links under your team.
List Links
Retrieve a paginated list of links.
Parameter | Type | Description |
page | integer | The page number to retrieve Default: 1 |
limit | integer | The number of links to retrieve per page Default: 10 Maximum: 25 |
{ "data": [ { "id": "a1b2c3e4", "title": null, "type": "short-link", "settings": { "destination": "https://example.com", "forward_parameters": false }, "url": "https://nimble.li/a1b2c3e4", "created_at": "2023-11-14T13:32:55.000000Z", "updated_at": "2023-11-14T13:33:38.000000Z" }, { "...": "..." } ], "links": { "first": "https://www.nimblelinks.com/api/v1.0/links?page=1", "last": "https://www.nimblelinks.com/api/v1.0/links?page=4", "prev": null, "next": "https://www.nimblelinks.com/api/v1.0/links?page=2" } }
Get Link
Retrieve a specific link.
{ "data": { "id": "a1b2c3e4", "title": null, "type": "qr-code", "settings": { "destination": "https://example.com", "forward_parameters": false }, "url": "https://nimble.li/a1b2c3e4", "created_at": "2023-11-14T13:31:41.000000Z", "updated_at": "2023-11-14T13:31:41.000000Z" } }
Create Link
Create a new link.
This endpoint accepts different parameters depending on the type of link you're creating.
Short Link
Shorten a long URL.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destination | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "short-link", "destination": "https://example.com" }
Password-Protected Link
Create a link that requires a password to access.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destination | string | The destination URL |
password | string | The password |
{ "type": "password-protected-link", "destination": "https://example.com", "password": "secret" }
QR Code
Create a QR code from a URL.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destination | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "qr-code", "destination": "https://example.com" }
Redirect Evenly
Create a link that distributes traffic evenly.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | string[] | List of destination URLs |
{ "type": "redirect-evenly", "destinations": [ "https://example.com/a", "https://example.com/b" ] }
Redirect Randomly
Create a link that distributes traffic randomly.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | string[] | List of destination URLs |
{ "type": "redirect-randomly", "destinations": [ "https://example.com/a", "https://example.com/b" ] }
Redirect by Device
Create a link that redirects users to different destinations based on their device type.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | object[] | List of device types and their corresponding destination URLs |
destinations.*.category | enum | desktop, tablet, mobile, or fallback |
destinations.*.url | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "redirect-device", "destinations": [ { "category": "mobile", "url": "https://m.example.com" }, { "category": "fallback", "url": "https://example.com" } ] }
Redirect by Operating System
Create a link that redirects users to different destinations based on their operating system.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | object[] | List of operating systems and their corresponding destination URLs |
destinations.*.category | enum | ios, android, or fallback |
destinations.*.url | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "redirect-operating-system", "destinations": [ { "category": "ios", "url": "https://example.com/ios" }, { "category": "fallback", "url": "https://example.com" } ] }
Redirect by Browser
Create a link that redirects users to different destinations based on their web browser.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | object[] | List of browsers and their corresponding destination URLs |
destinations.*.category | enum | chrome, firefox, safari, edge, opera, or fallback |
destinations.*.url | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "redirect-browser", "destinations": [ { "category": "chrome", "url": "https://example.com/chrome" }, { "category": "fallback", "url": "https://example.com" } ] }
Redirect by Country
Create a link that redirects users to different destinations based on their country.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | object[] | List of countries and their corresponding destination URLs |
destinations.*.country | string(2) | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code |
destinations.*.url | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "redirect-country", "destinations": [ { "country": "US", "url": "https://example.com/us" }, { "country": "CA", "url": "https://example.com/ca" }, { "country": "fallback", "url": "https://example.com" } ] }
Redirect by Language
Create a link that redirects users to different destinations based on their preferred language.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | object[] | List of languages and their corresponding destination URLs |
destinations.*.language | string(2) | ISO 639-1 country code |
destinations.*.url | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "redirect-language", "destinations": [ { "country": "en", "url": "https://example.com/en" }, { "country": "fr", "url": "https://example.com/fr" }, { "country": "fallback", "url": "https://example.com" } ] }
Redirect by Click Count
Create a link that redirects users to different destinations based on the number of clicks on your link.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | object[] | List of limits and their corresponding destination URLs |
destinations.*.limit | integer | Number of clicks allowed per destination -1 represents fallback. |
destinations.*.url | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "redirect-click-count", "destinations": [ { "limit": 10, "url": "https://example.com/super-early-bird" }, { "limit": 90, "url": "https://example.com/early-bird" }, { "limit": -1, "url": "https://example.com/fallback" } ] }
Redirect by Date & Time
Create a link that redirects users to different destinations based on when they click on the link.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | object[] | List of datetimes and and their corresponding destination URLs |
destinations.*.datetime | datetime | Datetime in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm format |
destinations.*.url | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "redirect-date-time", "destinations": [ { "datetime": "2023-01-15T15:12", "url": "https://example.com/early-bird" }, { "datetime": -1, "url": "https://example.com/standard-price" } ] }
Redirect by Time
Create a link that redirects users to different destinations based on time of day.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | enum | The type of link to create |
title | string | An optional title for the link |
forward_parameters | boolean | Whether URL parameters should be forwarded to the destination Default: false |
destinations | object[] | List of times and and their corresponding destination URLs |
destinations.*.time | time | Datetime in hh:mm format |
destinations.*.url | string | The destination URL |
{ "type": "redirect-time", "destinations": [ { "datetime": "15:00", "url": "https://example.com/lunch-menu" }, { "datetime": -1, "url": "https://example.com/dinner-menu" } ] }
Redirect Formula
Creating links that redirect by formula is currently not supported via the API.
Delete Link
Delete a link permanently.
Get QR Code
Retrieve the QR Code files for a specific link.
{ "data": { "svg": "https://www.nimblelinks.com/links/a1b2c3e4/qr/download?format=svg", "png": "https://www.nimblelinks.com/links/a1b2c3e4/qr/download?format=png" } }
Link Analytics API
The Analytics API provides endpoints for monitoring how a team's links are performing.
Link Clicks Total
Get the total number of times a link has been clicked.
{ "value": 4812 }
Link Clicks Trend
Get the daily, weekly, or monthly number of clicks on a link
Parameter | Type | Description |
interval | enum | daily, weekly, or monthly |
start | date | In YYYY-MM-DD format |
end | date | In YYYY-MM-DD format |
{ "2023-01-01": 3, "2023-01-02": 0, "2023-01-03": 1 }